Filippo Bortolami

Filippo Bortolami

Overall statistics

Starts Points Wins Podiums
1 8 0 0

Ranking History

Competition Team Rank Points Wins Podiums
Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 2020 (Concluso) Bluebolt Academy 24 8 0 0


Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 2020 (Concluso) (rFactor2 / 2020)

N. Team Circuito Sessione Prestazione Posizione Punti
#911 Bluebolt Academy Nurburgring GP Race +33.622 +1L 22 8
#911 Bluebolt Academy Zandvoort Race 0 0
#911 Bluebolt Academy Belgium Spa Francorchamps Race DNF 0 0

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